During the holidays, it feels like all bets are off when it comes to celebrating. That’s why, when the New Year rolls around, people usually make it their resolution to lose all the weight that they’ve added during the holiday — as if it’s that easy to lose that.
It is during these same holidays that you might find yourself looking for dentists. Many sweets can go around, and whether you’re an adult with a sweet tooth or a child, it’s easy for you to let yourself go. After all, it’s the holidays, right? People who’ve taken dental assistance courses — otherwise known as dentists — would advise against binge-eating sweets or holiday food.
Holiday or not, what exactly would they advise you to do to keep that toothy grin of yours all-year-round?
Stick to Your Dental Routine
Most of you would already have a dental routine, but if you don’t, this is what’s good: brush your teeth two times a day, for at least two minutes. Fluoride toothpaste is the main choice for these, no matter what brand or what flavor. You should not also stick to doing this during December or the seasons for eating (also Thanksgiving). This is the resolution you should make after the New Year, as it directly impacts your year-round dental health.
Have a Healthy Holiday Diet
Santa tends to have a steady diet of cookies and milk on his trips around the world. In the real world, however, this isn’t sustainable! Let’s not get started with the combined calories of cookies and milk. Let’s focus on the havoc it’ll wreak on your teeth if you’re not careful. You can still eat sweets, but keep it controlled and alternate it with a healthy diet. Carrot sticks might not be appealing, but they work wonders, especially in helping you maintain your dental hygiene and keeping the sweets away.
Stick to Sugar-Free Sweets
For such a sweet treat, sugar does a lot of damage to your teeth. There are alternatives to this; before you groan and think it’s vegetables, think again. Sugar-free sweets have improved in flavor over the years, and they are welcome alternatives if you absolutely must have sweets.
Think that turkey was a little too much on the side of salt? Chew sugar-free gum. It’ll ease the taste and make you feel like you’re eating sweets. Remember to also ease up on citrus fruits if you choose to have fruits after Christmas meals.
Brush and Floss Twice a Day
There’s no discussion here – you should remember to brush and floss at least twice a day, even when it’s not the holidays. This is sound advice coming from dental professionals. It’s your way of greeting your teeth Happy Holidays as well. If you haven’t started yet, then make it a point to start doing this during the holidays – after all the parties you’re invited to, your teeth will thank you, trust us.
Prepare for the New Year by Starting a Diet Now
Why wait for the New Year? You can get ahead of your resolution by starting to make good on your promise to cut back generally on food right now. Ease up on the sugar (and citrus) intake during the holidays, and you’ll be able to reduce weight easily. Sugar can make you gain weight in a short period of time, so you should really control your intake of it.
There are a lot of things you should know about sugar and how it doesn’t contribute to your dental health at all. However, if you have a sound dental routine, you’ll find that there’s very little trouble keeping to your dental hygiene. Your routine might also help you keep with your diet plan as well!
Meta Title: How To Have Your Cake and Eat It Too during the Holidays
Meta Description: There are people with a sweet tooth and then, there are people who’ve lost their tooth on holiday sweets binges. Find out how you can avoid becoming part of the latter.