Your Guide to Getting the Best Support for Substance Abuse
If you’re struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, substance abuse treatment can help. Addiction centers across the UK offer a range of treatments, from rehab inpatient programs to outpatient treatments and support groups that can help you get…
Back to school after covid: Things to be careful of
When 2020 hit us with a lethal virus called COVID-19, the world shifted to the online mode. Offices were shut, schools and colleges were closed, and everyone was locked inside. Our entire routine was shifted to being virtual. Everyone was…
Jelly May Boost the Appearance of Skin as well as Hair
Researches executed on gelatin supplements reveal positive results for improving the appearance of the skin, as well as hair. One study had females consume about 10 grams of fish or pork collagen, remember that collagen is the main element of…
What are the Advantages of Eye Enhancement Surgical Procedure?
So, what are the benefits of medial epicanthoplasty [เปิดหัวตา, which is the term in Thai]? Epicanthoplasty can: Lower the distance between your inner canthal, which helps make the eyes appear farther apart, a suitable range between the inner canthal is…
Top 4 Reasons to Quit Drinking Alcohol
If you’re thinking about giving up alcohol, you’re not alone. According to a study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, about 18 million American adults suffer from an alcohol use disorder. These disorders range from mild to…
The Benefits of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
Dialectical behaviour therapy, or DBT, is an innovative psychotherapy that was developed in the 1980s by psychologists Marsha Linehan and Valerie Porr. Because of its success at treating patients with suicidal tendencies and other mental health issues like borderline personality…