When 2020 hit us with a lethal virus called COVID-19, the world shifted to the online mode. Offices were shut, schools and colleges were closed, and everyone was locked inside. Our entire routine was shifted to being virtual. Everyone was focusing on wearing masks, maintaining a social distance, and arranging an RT PCR test for staying safe. Students were doing online classes, working people were always on zoom calls from their office and life was pretty much dependent on the internet.
So now that everything is opening and our lives are getting back to the usual routine people are wondering how to still avoid the virus. For almost 2 years parents were trying hard to keep their children safe and still give them the necessary education. It was very difficult indeed. Young students need the school environment to learn better. We cannot ignore the fact that these two years even if the education systems tried their best they couldn’t recreate the school’s aura. Therefore now after vaccines, and much struggle schools have reopened. However, parents are still very concerned about the offline situation.
What are the concerns?
We can agree that the virus is still prevalent but the situations are still better. Vaccines have saved the day. Now that almost every adult is vaccinated the risk has been controlled. However, children are still not vaccinated. Only the ones who are 12 years or above can get the vaccines and the reaming age group still need to wait. This is one of the biggest issues that the parents are facing. They are pretty scared to send their kids off to offline school without the vaccine. This is quite a valid concern.
Other consents are related to it:
- Social gatherings: This is an obvious fear. Social gatherings happen the most at places like schools. Therefore parents are scared that social distance might not be followed properly legging to a budding virus ground. On top of it, masks have also been made optional hence there is quite a risk.
- Unsanitised surfaces: We know that not all schools follow the recent sanitising practices. Hence they might not sanitise the surfaces well to avoid the virus.
- Medical help: After COVID-19 every place needs to have a certain routine to deal with the virus. They should have first aid kits specially devised to deal with students who might have COVID.
There are a few other things that might raise some worries:
- Adjustment to new settings: STudents will be going back after a long time. Therefore they might find it hard to stell to the new conditions. This is a major concern for parents with kids who will be going to school for the very first time.
- Transitioning back: Students became quite used to the online mode and now they will have to reset their lives to join the offline school again.
How to be safe?
There are three thumb rules to be safe even in the current scenario:
- Wear Masks: The most crucial rule to be safe is to wear proper masks. Schools have made it clear that students need to wear class during their premises to make it a safer environment.
- Keep a physical distance on your own: It is very difficult but still one must always try to avoid too much crowd. Schools initially started a batch system to reduce the population so that they could continue social distancing.
- Carry sanitisers: Tell your kids to carry sanitisers and use them now and then.
COVID-19 has mellowed its effects but it is still not over. We are still amidst a pandemic. Therefore follow all the COVID-19 regulations to avoid the calamity and to keep your loved ones safe. The schools have restarted but the risk still prevails.