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Facts About Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Drug and alcohol addiction changes the body and causes irreversible damage. The effects of the addiction go beyond the individual and destroy their relationships with the people they love. Reviewing facts about drug and alcohol addiction helps those suffering from addiction see what their addiction is doing to them and their loved ones.

Understanding Self-Deception and How It Affects the Addict

Understanding self-deception and its affects is the first step to realizing that professional help is necessary. Self-deception leads the addict to believe that they have control over their addiction. The addict fools themselves into believing that, as long as they don’t use drugs or drink while they work, they don’t have a problem. Some addicts believe if they stop using or drink for a predetermined amount of time they are cured. None of this is true, and the only path to recovery is to enter into a treatment facility and fight the addiction.

The Signs of Addiction

The signs of addiction start with sudden changes in mood including irritation when alcohol or controlled substances aren’t readily available. The family might notice unexplained weight loss, slurred speech, and a lack of interest in things that are most important to the family member. Addicts are at risk of losing their job because of frequent absences and tardiness. They often become irresponsible and withdraw from others. It is when the addict loses their job and needs money to purchase the drugs or alcohol that the addict is more likely to steal from their family and others.

Some addicts are so far gone they face a serious health crisis before deciding to get professional help. Others might face legalities because of unlawful actions to get alcohol or controlled substances. Anyone who is suffering from addiction and wants professional help can learn more from ARC Rehab Portsmouth right now.

What is the Science Behind Addiction?

Individuals who become addicts often have a predisposition to addiction because one or both parents were addicts or alcoholics. Genetics indicates that heredity can play a role in determining if the individual becomes an addict. Those who become addicted undergo neurological changes that cause high levels of dopamine in the body. When the addict uses drugs or alcohol, the feel-good hormones are released into the body. When they stop, these levels come crashing down and the addict experiences withdrawal symptoms.

When treating the addict, the rehabilitation center addresses the physical, neurological, and psychological changes in the individual. Using a science-based program the rehabilitation center doesn’t impose religious principles onto the addict. Counselors help the addict work through their problems and determine the source of the addiction. The individual learns safer and healthier coping mechanisms.

Individuals suffering from addiction experience a wide array of symptoms caused by their addiction. Self-deception gives the addict the impression that they can handle their addiction on their own. The science behind treating addiction addresses the neurological, physiological, and psychological changes in the body. Anyone who wants to get professional help with their addiction can contact a treatment counselor for assistance today.

Atticus Bennett: Atticus, a sports nutritionist, provides dietary advice for athletes, tips for muscle recovery, and nutrition plans to support peak performance.