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Steps Involved in a Divorce Mediation

A divorce can be a stressful ride, but few couples mutually agree to end their marriage legally. Unlike co-operating partners, there can be arguments and disagreements that may result in a contested divorce in a court, which is a complicated and long legal procedure to go through. In such cases, the court orders a divorce mediation where a mediator will be appointed to ensure that the partners come to terms with each other and agree on an uncontested divorce. 

Usually, after a divorce mediation, the couples do not face any issues with asset distribution, child custody, or any other complications because it is mutually accepted. Contacting the right Sandy divorce lawyer before going for a divorce mediation can be helpful so that you get to know what to expect and how it can benefit in getting the divorce.

Legal steps involved in divorce mediation:

  • Starting with the mediation

If the court ordered the mediation, the mediator might already know details about your marriage, contact details, and essential information. If you reach out to a private mediator, they might ask for specific details. You will also be explained about the future procedure with an agenda that the mediator will follow.

  • Collecting information

After getting introduced to the mediator, you are expected to share certain information regarding the divorce so that the mediator addresses the issues that may arise on child custody, child support, asset distribution, and alimony. 

  • Negotiating the divorce

Negotiation is a crucial part of a divorce mediation where the partners may have to make concessions and compromises that result in a common ground. In the negotiation step, the mediator will ensure that they emphasize problem-solving.

  • Completing the mediation

The mediator will know if the partners have come to terms with each other and offer an agreement that is accepted by both the partners so that issues arise in the future. After that, the mediator will draft a settlement and review their agreement before submitting it. 

Although the agreement for marital settlement does not result in a divorce, it has to be checked with the court for the final divorce decree to be incorporated. Therefore, divorce mediation can hugely benefit a couple struggling to get a divorce. So, contact an attorney and ask them if any divorce mediators are available. Surprisingly, few divorce attorneys also work as divorce mediators.

Atticus Bennett: Atticus, a sports nutritionist, provides dietary advice for athletes, tips for muscle recovery, and nutrition plans to support peak performance.