Ar For Her

Empowering Women's Health and Wellness with Augmented Reality

Month: May 2021

How to test Mixed Hearing Loss

Testing the mixed hearing loss contains the same methods as the conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. If you are not aware of the testing methods of the types of hearing loss then keep yourself engaged with the blog Mixed Hearing…

Know All Ins And Outs Of Facial Contouring

The fastest-growing non-surgical, as well as non-invasive reconfiguration technique that is presently taking the industry of plastic surgery by storm is Facial Surgery. It is a too highly effective method of improving facial features and decreasing the aging signs that…

Hospice Care For A Comfortable And Distress Free LifeĀ 

Life is uncertain and it can change any moment, sometimes in unimaginable ways. There are certain situations where a person may acquire some disease, a disease that has no cure. Under those circumstances, Hospice Care becomes an essential care option…