The features of the best crossdraw holster are as follows:
Even the best crossdraw holster is useless if they are uncomfortable to wear. The burden of a self-defence weapon, whether it be its bulk, sharp edges, or extra weight, can be a source of discomfort. You have to make sacrifices if you want to get somewhere. In view of the aforesaid, whether you plan to carry your firearm openly or stealthily, a holster that unreasonably exacerbates the aforementioned pain will discourage you from actually carrying your firearm.
An outside waistband (OWB) cross-draw holster is preferable to an inside waistband (IWB) holster for most people. Those who prefer open carry should go for an IWB holster, while those who prefer concealed carry and don’t use a cover garment will benefit most from an OWB holster. A cross-draw holster worn on the inside of the waistband (IWB) is your best bet for a stealthily concealed carry arrangement.
The responsibility you have for your own protection does not go away just because you have a gun in a crossdraw holster and are leaving the house. If you have a decently designed cross-draw holster, your pistol will be physically secure thanks to a firm, tight friction fit or, even better, a retention strap or leather thong. A firearm-specific holster is always necessary when using a friction fit, and this is true regardless of the material used to make the holster.
Remember that the trigger guard is there for your protection, too. An exposed trigger guard is a potential safety risk. This also applies to trigger guards that are just partially covered. Even if your finger won’t go in there, anything smaller might so be careful.
If you’re going to be using a cross-draw holster, make sure it has a reliable method of attachment to your clothing before you hit the “Check Out” button. If a holster has outstanding pistol retention but a cheap clip that won’t close on the hem of your jeans, it’s not worth buying. These two factors should be considered when designing holsters. A high-quality crossdraw holster won’t shift even after hours of use and repeated reholstering.
The ease with which a weapon can be removed from a cross-draw holster while the user remains seated is one of the holster’s most notable advantages. The outside-the-waistband (OWB) versions of this holster are superior to the vast majority of other concealed carry holsters in terms of accommodating larger or long-barreled handguns if worn with a cover garment.
It’s possible that a cross draw is the fastest option when seated, but when standing or moving, there are perhaps two or three alternative choices that are faster, depending on the cover garments worn and muscle memory. No matter the situation, regular practice is a must. Which method of concealed carry will be most convenient for you to use depends heavily on your individual anatomy and lifestyle. People who sit for long periods of time may choose an ankle, cross-draw, or shoulder holster, while those who stand or walk a lot may prefer an IWB holster.