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Workplace Impairment Detection: The Precise Way to Spot Drunk Employees

The Advantages of Impairment Testing over Drug Testing to Improve Workplace  Safety - Predictive SafetyIn the context of the modern workplace, alcohol abuse and other types of substance abuse are becoming increasingly common. In fact, over a third of employees will experience some type of workplace impairment at least once during their career. Workplace impairment can take many forms—from red eyes, unkempt appearance, and unusual speech patterns to slurred speech, inability to walk in a straight line, and even failing an alcohol test. Impairment affects not only the employee but also the organization as a whole. It increases the risk of work-related accidents, illnesses, and legal liability—and it also lowers productivity. Preventing workplace impairment is one of the most effective ways for businesses to protect themselves from these negative consequences. But what exactly does workplace impairment detection entail?


What is Workplace Impairment?


Impairment is any condition that negatively impacts an employee’s ability to perform his or her job effectively. The most common types of workplace impairment are as follows: Physical impairment: Physical impairment refers to health conditions that affect the body’s ability to do work. These include diseases, injuries, and other chronic conditions. Conditions like carpal-tunnel syndrome, diabetes, and heart diseases are examples of physical impairments. Cognitive impairment: Cognitive impairment refers to issues with an employee’s ability to process information and think clearly. Issues with cognition can take many forms, including distracting health conditions, low blood sugar, and drug use. Examples of cognitive impairments include ADHD, depression, and alcohol intoxication.


Why is Workplace Impairment Such a Big Deal?


Impairment has become a huge issue for businesses. According to research, around 37% of employees reported experiencing some form of workplace impairment at least once in their career. It’s important to note that workplace impairment doesn’t refer to just one type of issue; it’s a blanket term that includes many different types of health scenarios.


How to Detect Workplace Impairment More Effectively


There are countless factors that could cause an employee to be impaired at work. They might have a health condition that they’re not aware of, they could be dealing with sleep deprivation, or they could have substance abuse problems that are inhibiting their productivity. With so many different types of impairment, it’s important to be able to detect them all. Organizations can do so by implementing policies that create a safe and healthy work environment. Employers should also implement thorough training and education programs to help employees understand what the signs and symptoms of impairment are. Many employers also have a policy in place to test employees for drugs. This is a simple and effective way to detect substance abuse and help employees with addictions get help.


When employees are impaired, it can have a significant negative impact on their performance as well as the company’s productivity. As a result, employers need to be able to detect impairment as early as possible so that any harmful effects can be minimized. In order to do this, employers should implement policies and procedures that promote a safe and healthy work environment, and they should provide employees with the necessary training to help them identify impairment when they see it.

Atticus Bennett: Atticus, a sports nutritionist, provides dietary advice for athletes, tips for muscle recovery, and nutrition plans to support peak performance.