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Products You Can Easily Switch With Essential Oils

Yes, essential oils offer a wide range of benefits, and the best thing about these oils is that they are natural and non-toxic. Most of us use products that we find on store shelves, whether it is for skincare, body care, hair care, detergents, products for cleaning the house, and others. Yes, they may be amazing products and you must be absolutely in love with using these products, but you must not be aware of the fact that these products that you love so much can contain harmful chemical ingredients. 

However, all hope is not lost, you can easily switch these products with essential oils, they are natural, non-toxic, and are effective. Now, let’s look at some of the products that you can easily replace with essential oils. 

Skin Cleanser: It is always advised to use a gentle cleanser, but if you have oily and acne-prone skin, you must think that the harsher the cleaner, it will do a better job of cleaning and purifying your skin. However, that is not the case here, it will end up stripping away the moisture in your face. So, instead of using these harsh chemicals in your face, replace them with the oil cleansing method instead. 

Body Lotion: Body lotions are a necessity for your skin, especially during winter as your skin gets dry and they lack moisture. And even though it is sunny and hot, you will still need to use body lotion to keep your skin moisture locked in. So, instead of using the store-bought body lotion, you can make a DIY body lotion using essential oils and other ingredients. Choose your favorite essential oil and mix it with unscented body lotions, and there you have it, your very own personalized body lotion. 

Replace Scented Candles With Essential Oils: Scented oils are quite popular, they can be used to decorate your room while leaving them smelling good. And although they are very effective, there is something even better you can replace it with, an essential oil diffuser. You can use various essential oil diffuser blends to leave your house smelling good while they provide support to your body as well. When you use a scented candle, you risk catching fire and the smell may be too strong for some, but with a diffuser, you do not have to worry about any of these. 

Cleaning Products: Many people use essential oils to clean their household products, as they do an amazing job. You can create a combination to clean your house by combining baking soda, vinegar, lemon, and essential oil to clean your tiles, counter, or others. You can also add them in detergent, soap, and others. Or the other option is to choose an essential oil cleaning product from Young Living Essential Oils to clean your household items. 

Include In Your Skincare Regime: You can also replace your skincare products with essential oil slowly, whether it is for makeup removal or moisturizer. However, you should note that it is not advised to replace all the products at once, you can take one step at a time. There are good quality make-up removers out there made of essential oil, so you can choose one best suitable for your skin type and make the transition slowly. 

Body Wash: Another way to use essential oil is as body wash, it will be even better if you soak it in the bathtub. But you can also use it as body wash during the shower and you can reap the same benefit. You can either make a DIY body wash or choose a product that has essential oil in it. If you are going to make one on your own, along with the essential oil of your choice, you will also need other ingredients such as unscented castile soap, distilled water, and other oil. 

Essential oils are great natural products that offer many health benefits, but they can also be dangerous, so take precautions. 

Atticus Bennett: Atticus, a sports nutritionist, provides dietary advice for athletes, tips for muscle recovery, and nutrition plans to support peak performance.