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Stages and factors of Frozen Shoulder 

Three bones help in forming a ball and the socket joint that comprises your shoulder. The tissue surrounding the joint of the upper arm, shoulder blade, and collar bone hold these three bones together. You will have difficulty moving your shoulder if the tissue, shoulder capsule, becomes tight and thick. This stiffness refers to a frozen shoulder [ข้อ ไหล่ ติด]. The common symptoms involve a dull pain in the shoulder or upper arm due to a deteriorated synovial fluid between the joints. The pain may increase at night, preventing you from having a sound sleep. The symptoms may vary depending upon the stage of the ailment. 

Different stages of frozen shoulder

A patient generally goes through three stages of the disease, having different symptoms and timeline for each stage. The first is the freezing stage, where you will experience pain in the movement of your shoulder. The situation may get worse at night and can continue for six to nine months. Then comes the frozen stage, in which the pain may reduce but the stiffness increases. The movement of the shoulder becomes very difficult, preventing you from carrying out your daily activities. The timeline may be last for four to twelve months. The last stage is relieving as the movement goes back to normal. The timeline for this thawing stage varies from six to two years. 

Factors affecting the frozen shoulder

This condition is not very prominent, but it is risky for some groups of people. You may notice women suffer more than men from this painful illness. The age may vary from forty to sixty. Stroke or any surgery where you can’t move your upper arm can lead to this condition. Other medical conditions like diabetes, heart problems, thyroid, and Parkinson’s disease can cause your shoulder to freeze. A study reveals that around ten to twenty percent of people who have diabetes are prone to this illness. So taking care of your health and avoiding these diseases can lower the chances of going through this painful and irritating experience.

Atticus Bennett: Atticus, a sports nutritionist, provides dietary advice for athletes, tips for muscle recovery, and nutrition plans to support peak performance.