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The Bees Never Stop Buzzing, The Earth Doesn’t Stop Spinning, And The Human Mind Keeps Evolving 


Our cognitive functions always enjoy brain teasers and space for new information that will help our brain expand happily. The three main cognitive theories suggested by Piaget on his cognitive-developmental theory and Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory, and information-processing theory shed light on the importance of cognitive functions and their overall growth through the lifespan of a human being. This gives a clear understanding that there is always something to learn every day no matter the age or stage of life one is in.

As psychologists in a field that deals with mind and body in detail by analyzing behavior, we learn every day as it’s proven that individual differences exist. That being said, psychologists are also individuals who also deserve to work on their personal growth and wellbeing. The present situation where everything has become online has made things easier for everyone to access online continuing education courses for psychologist as well. 

It’s All About The Growth 

American Psychology Association believes in the concept of always learning and building a platform where knowledge is being exchanged through research and providing courses for even the most professional psychologists. It is encouraged for psychologists to have the desire to learn as that helps in understanding the present world, which helps them to relate and alter their therapeutic practices for the current generation as their challenges would be much more different in this fast-paced world. The association provides the opportunity for online continuing education courses for psychologists and other mental health professionals that use aspects of psychology in their career. These online courses present opportunities for professionals to develop and grow by earning continuing education credits (CE).  These credits add to your credentials as a professional. 

The courses target topics in different fields of psychology and provide training as well. 

Apart from the APA, there are many online continuing education courses for psychologists in the form of training on mental health, LGBTQ therapy, mindfulness, etc. They also have certificate courses and seminars on specific fields, which help you achieve credits. These courses are formulated in a manner to develop special skills for helping your professional status. 

Here are few spaces that offer online continuing education courses for psychologists:

  • American Psychology Association
  • Coursera 
  • Psychology-Ce
  • Zur institute
Atticus Bennett: Atticus, a sports nutritionist, provides dietary advice for athletes, tips for muscle recovery, and nutrition plans to support peak performance.