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A Five-Step Stem Transfer Procedure known by The Medical Community

It is most likely you have heard about stem cells and wondered if the cells can cure deadly diseases affecting folks. Stem cells open up a whole new field of medicine and science involved in the study of how cells grow from basic compounds to form complex structures like the brain and bones. But whenever you read about stem cell therapy procedure, know that scientists are trying to grow cells.

Before we move on, let us first understand what stem cells are. From a basic understanding, stem cells are produced by the bone marrow, and given the conditions are favorable either in the lab or in the body, they multiply to replace worn-out cells.

In stem cell therapy procedures, experts use cells from the bone marrow to grow new cells. Here is how the procedure is done.

  1. Testing and Examination

Before any medical procedure can be carried out, there must be testing and examination. In this case, a physician will perform several tests to ensure your body is fit for stem plant transfer. Successful transplants will only be possible if you are healthy and in good condition.

To perform the examination, medical experts use;

  • Electrocardiogram to test your hearts rhythms
  • Echocardiogram- a simple test that is used to locate blood vessels near your heart
  • X-rays and CT scans to check the status of organs such as lungs, kidneys, stomach, and liver.
  • Most importantly, blood testing is a window to your general health, and your kidney and liver cells are working.
  • Patients with cancer will need to have biopsy tests. Biopsy tests involve the removal of cancer cells to see how they are responding to treatment.
  1. Harvest Cells

Immediately after testing and the doctors have ascertained that your body is fit for stem cell therapy procedure, the next step is the harvesting of the stem cells. Stem cells are removed from the body in three ways;

  • The cells are harvested from blood using special medical equipment
  • Bone marrow cells are removed to create new cells
  • Cord blood is drawn to create new stem cells. Cord blood is from the placenta and umbilical cord of a newborn.

In many instances, stem cells are donated by a healthy person, but you too can provide stem cells. This will be possible if all the damages caused by diseases have been removed.

  1. Conditioning the Body

Conditioning involves treating your body with a higher dose of chemotherapy or radiotherapy before new cells are transplanted. This is to kill the existing cells.

Normally, the conditioning process will last for more than a week, and during this process, a tube will be inserted near one of your central veins. During the process, you will exhibit various side effects, which are temporary. Most patients experience hair loss, lack of appetite, and other problems.

  1. Transplanting

This is the most important part of the stem cell therapy procedure where your body receives new cells. The process takes a few hours, and it doesn’t require tranquilization. It is also not painful, contrary to popular beliefs.

  1. Recovery

During this time, you will stay in the hospital for some weeks as you receive blood transfusions while the doctors are monitoring your situation.

Due to the low number of white blood cells fighting against infection, during the healing process, you will stay in the special germ-free room. Thus, visitors will be required to put on protective clothing, disinfect and stay for a limited time in your room.

After intensive care, your body can hold on its own, but it will be another two years before your body resumes full strength.

At times you will be required to take medication that stops your immune system from fighting against new arrivals.


Stem cell therapy procedure is an efficient way to say goodbye to deadly diseases such as cancer. The process begins by examination and ends by recovery, with a lot in between. Depending on your condition, the entire process will take some time, but if you are lucky, then in less than two years, your body will be in good condition. However, in every stem cell therapy procedure, germs are your enemy. You should avoid them at all costs.


Atticus Bennett: Atticus, a sports nutritionist, provides dietary advice for athletes, tips for muscle recovery, and nutrition plans to support peak performance.