If you are conversant with the internet, you might have received one or more messages from pharmacies offering prescription drugs at up to 95% discount.
Following such links have led many patients straight into the hands of rogue pharmacies. However, this does not undermine the fact that many other genuine online pharmacies like PricePro Pharmacy also carry out genuine business online.
Since both the genuine pharmacies and the rogues operate online, telling one apart from the other can be a problem. Nonetheless, some signs will help you identify the fake from the genuine pharmacies. Below are signs that you may be dealing with a fake.
#1 Sign: They claim to be a full-time online business
Most rogue pharmacies claim to be a full-time online business and, therefore, are not affiliated to a physical pharmacy. Many rogue pharmacies embrace this practice because they only pop up for a few weeks or months before they disappear with unsuspecting clients’ money.
Unlike the genuine online pharmacies like PricePro Pharmacy, which will readily point you to their physical office location, rogues try as much to conceal their identity.
#2 Sign: They do not request for a doctor’s/ pharmacist’s prescription
Rogue pharmacies are always in a haste to collect your money and disappear while selling you a fake product or no product at all. Therefore, they don’t care to ask you to provide a doctor’s/pharmacist’s prescription. They tell you it’s okay whether you have a prescription or not. It will do you good to stay away from such pharmacies since you might be dealing with a fake.
#3 Sign: They offer to sell you prescription drugs at impossible discounts
Rogue pharmacies trap a lot of victims through huge discounts that are almost too good to be true. They can offer up to 95% discount on the prices of prescription drugs, which naturally looks unbelievable. It is also possible to get prescription drugs at a discounted price in genuine pharmacies. However, the margin of the discount is usually small—just a little percentage difference from the original prices. Unbelievable huge discounts can be a sign you’re dealing with a rogue.
#4 Sign: They don’t have a VIPPS seal or a seal of quality provided by NABP
One of the ways to find out if a pharmacy is genuine or not is to ask for their VIPPS seal. The VIPPS seal has currently been upgraded to “Seal of Quality”. It shows that a pharmacy meets all the standards and requirements to operate as an online pharmacy. Only genuine pharmacies that pass the process get the certificate and license to operate as online pharmacies. If you visit PricePro Pharmacy and other verified online pharmacies, you can find their seal of quality on their websites.
#5 Sign: They don’t register with state and federal authorities
One sign that a pharmacy is rogue is the lack of registration with the appropriate state and federal laws. Rogues often make excuses for not having proper registration. Watch out for this sign and stay away from such pharmacies.
To stay safe when buying prescription drugs online, it is better to stick to only certified pharmacies. You can visit PricePro Pharmacy or other certified pharmacies for your prescription medication.